Making your story matter

Public Relations

PR is a mix of journalism, psychology, and lawyering – it’s an ever-changing and always interesting landscape – Ronn Torossian   

Media Training

Offering tips & tricks for delivering your voice in the right ways.

Influencer & Celebrity Marketing

Find creative ways to promote your brand through the voices of influencers or celebrities.

Strategic Planning

Making plans and writing a visionary list of “to do” for telling your story.

Digital Marketing & Social Media

Offering tips & tricks for delivering your voice in the right ways.

Finding the best tools of digital channels in order to reach consumers. 

Talent Management

Making you known and famous in your niche. 

Reputation Management

Creating and maintaining the reputation of a celebrity/influencer/entrepreneur or a brand in the public eye.

Event Management

Managing the process of planning a festival, ceremony, competition, party, concert, or conference.


Creating and spreading your brand, its qualities and personality.


Who we are

Bianca Lascoi

From Orastiei Mountains, at the foot of Sarmizegetusa Regia, I studied Journalism & Communication at Babes Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, then I moved to Bucharest for a Master degree in Brand Management & Corporate Communication.

Bucharest has magic on its own and made me stay. With more than 10 years experience, I work in PR & events for a diverse portfolio of high-end clients. From commercial brands & international artists, till the communication of a media trust, movies & CSR campaigns or media training, I believe that I have worked with many types of clients and now I’m looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.


Starting with 2016 I have teamed up with Diana Nistor, and Storyfy has become the next level in our work. 

+40 749 807 666

Who we are

Diana Nistor

Born in Galati, I spent my childhood in the countryside, surrounded by love, nature and the beauty of simple things.

I have always been drawn towards the media, from an early age I played roles imagining I was taking interviews, organizing events and writing stories about people.

I studied Journalism at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi, and then I did a Master degree in Communication at Bucharest University.

I have worked many years in the media and PR industry as an employee but in 2016 I started my own business with both my partner and good friend, Bianca.

A long period we were dedicated to promoting our clients, leaving our business in the shadows, but now we are Storyfy and we want to let people know what we do.

I believe in people, in stories, in creativity and in teamwork.

+40 743 614 173

Let us tell your story